Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Quinn favorite movie is Nacho Libre, he made his own costume and wears it all day long. If we go anywhere he usually has it on under his pants so he can rip off his pants and be Nacho. Last month Jake and the boys went to Fathers and Sons ( I forgot to send the camera, boo hoo). I downloaded a bunch of songs so the boys could have their own playlist. Oggy choose just about all the songs form Nightmare Before Christmas and Quinn picked all Nacho Libre songs. Quinn was so excited to have one of his favorite songs from the movie that he ran, put on his costume and did an awesome it's not really a dance, so some poses?
Anyways here it is.

On Memorial Day we had nothing to do so we just went to some stores. Some how we ended up at REI. Getting out of the car Ogden says "Oh if we are at a boy store I need to wear my jacket." and whipped out this...


  1. Oh my goodness! He's gonna love that one when he's older! It should go in his wedding video! I think you need to make a post where you list all of the different characters quinn and oggy have been in the past.

    I didn't know REI had a jacket policy! Classy outdoorsmen!

  2. I love that Quinn chose nacho songs and Og chose NIghtmare Before Christmas songs. Their personalities are so different and so their own!

    Oggy looks sharp in that jacket. Lady Killer.
